
How to surf the web to find motivating and insightful content

  “ Wow! This was so cool !” my friend says. “How do you even find these things?” I tell him that I got it from the newsletter of <so-and-so> website where people post interesting stuff. And the next question goes, “Well, but how did you find out about the <so-and-so> website?” And then I end up telling him about this person on Twitter whom I follow and how she tweets interesting things and how she is SO cool. “Okay but how did you find out about this person?” … And every time, the conversation comes to an abrupt end either because my friend stops asking further questions at the risk of seeming too dumb (and ends up giving me an unsatisfactory “Oh Wow” reaction) or because I fail to remember the exact source (and end up telling something along the lines of — “I just found it while… hmm… browsing on the Internet”). What I also want to say is that these cool webpages/people that I come across can come to anyone. But that sounds like patronizing. Not helpful. And I want to say

What does a healthy skin look like

 Skin is the first organ of the body to come in contact with the environment. Healthy skin is the key to youthfulness, beauty and a healthy lifestyle. Looking at healthy skin up close, the surface appears to be regularly irregular. Healthy skin feels smooth when it is lightly touched, but looking closely at a healthy skin reveals that the skin is actually very bumpy. In this blog, we will take a look at healthy skin, skin care, and why skin can appear smooth and bumpy. I'm sure you've noticed how a person's skin looks and feels different throughout the day. Skin is made up of different cells; the outer layer is made of dead skin cells stacked on top of each other. The top dead skin cell layer is called the stratum corneum. This stratum corneum is like a brick and mortar building with dead skin cells on the outside and full of ceramides in between. These ceramides are arranged in a way that helps keep moisture in the skin, which makes it feel soft and smooth. Blog Conclusion